Friday, December 14, 2012

Quotes To Help Me Deal Through Connecticut Tragedy

There are no words I could muster to say to help the friends, family, and community of those involved in today's tragedy in Connecticut. This devastating event at an Elementary School that took 26 innocent lives, 20 of which were children, is absolutely astonishing and left me shocked, scared for the future of our nation, and feeling helpless in my desperate desire to aid those suffering right now. 

Whenever these things happen, I turn to quotes that have guided me through horrific times in the past. They help my troubled heart deal with the sadness I am feeling for those involved, as well as remind me that life is fleeting, and to be thankful for what I have and enjoy every second of this existence I've been given. 

BF QOD: Loss

I hope those effected remember their loved ones, every second they had with them, because no one, not even a deranged shooter can take those precious memories away from them. I myself am going to spend the day with those I love, taking several pictures, (which drives them absolutely crazy), so no matter what happens in the future I will always have records to look fondly back on with nostalgia and love. 

LOW FAT, no bake/easy, cheap WW dessert you'll love!

Key Lime Pie 

I'm NOT a photographer & took this picture with my phone, it doesn't do this delicious no guilt treat justice!!!! 

I heard about this recipe from one of my friends on Weight Watchers and so decided to give it a whirl! Glad I did! 

First off this recipe takes 8-5 EASY minutes to whip up...AWESOME! 

Secondly, the pie only has 4 real ingredients you'll need, which all keep well in your house, so you can buy them and not worry about making it right away before they go bad, an unfortunate problem I have that plagues me. The only thing worse than really craving something, that you go to prepare and realize you are missing one crucial when you spend your hard earned money on groceries and they go bad before you eat them! When "meal planning" for the week, I try to really stick to what's laid out, which has helped me not waste as much. However, once in awhile life happens mixing it all up, and I keep telling myself  I'll cook whatever I planned to eat prior, but missed, the next day, until I go to the fridge and it's rotten. Ugh, the worst! 

Thirdly, this very scrumptious dessert can be made ahead of time, keeps well, and can even be frozen to enjoy in increments! There's nothing better than eating a great dessert for two days, freezing it, and getting to enjoy it again hassle free at a later date! Many times I feel when I make something, I must eat it all before it goes bad, so I don't waste time, money, and effort. This habit forming, bad behavior is not good for my waist line and tends to make me not want to eat that food again for at least a year after I stuff myself full of it for days on end.

Finally, this low fat, low cal treat is actually really tasty and it even packs 4g of protein, which will leave you feeling full and not give you the normal intense blood sugar spike you have after consuming most desserts. 

Blood sugar spikes can give you a headache, and most likely make you hungry again in an hour or two. That's why when you go out to eat at a great restaurant, indulge in several courses or just plain out eat entirely too much, you tend to come home and soon feel tired and lethargic. After you wake up from your nap (or maybe that's just me) you are embarrassingly hungry again. How can that be when you just literally stuffed your face a couple hours prior with enough food to feed a small third world village???? I'll tell you how....spiked blood sugar. It's something nutritionists always tell you to avoid. Basically stay away from high glycemic (sugar) content food and drinks, eat smaller meals, limit alcohol consumption, exercise, and drink lots of water. Also, try this dessert ; ) 

Blood sugar levels are regulated in your body by a hormone influenced feedback mechanism. This is important because blood carries glucose (sugar) throughout out the body to all the cells, which use it for energy. Within a day, normal blood sugar should vary only slightly, increasing after meals and decreasing after rest or not eating. When the blood sugar levels do rise, the pancreas releases insulin (hormone) that causes cells to become more permeable, or take up and store the glucose. Muscles and the liver convert glucose and store it while fat cells are inhibited to break down fat to use for energy, so the extra glucose is used. You heard me, the fat cells aren't breaking down know what that means! It's also good to know that exercising your muscles causes them to break down and use the glucose they stored previously. 

This particular pie has a real light, aerie feel to it that compliments the tangy citrus flavor of key lime and creamy goodness of the whipped topping and yogurtThe boys in my house like the pie by itself or will add just a few miniature M&Ms to the top of it sometimes, which speaks volumes to the pie's natural sweetness and great taste, since they refuse to eat most reduced fat or fat free desserts period! 

Key Lime Pie 
Serves-8         Serving size- 1 slice (1/8th of pie) 

-2 (1 serving) Key Lime Pie Greek Yogurt  ( Used Oiko's-any kind ok) 
-1 Reduced Fat GrahamCracker Pie Crust (Used Keebler-any kind ok)
-1 Container of Fat Free Whipped Topping (Used generic)
-1 large box of Sugar Free/Fat Free Lime Jello Mix
-1/4 cup of water

PREP TIME: 10 minutes + 2 hours refrigeration 
COOK TIME: 0 minutes

1) Boil water
2) Put dry jello mix into a large bowl & whisk in boiled water well until smooth
3) Add key lime pie yogurts & whisk well until smooth making sure to get all lumps out 
4) Gently fold in whipped topping to mixture until incorporated
5) Pour contents of bowl into pie crust, making sure it's equally distributed & smooth over top of pie with wooden spoon for looks
6) Put pie in refrigerator for at least 2 hours so it's cool & flavors mix OR put pie in freezer for at least an hour. 

*Keep pie refrigerated & will last up to a week
*Keep pie in freezer & it will last one month. Just take out 30mins-hour ahead of time to thaw before serving. Although I really like it frozen too, the pie turns into frozen yogurt after thawing for 3-5mins & tastes really good that way too! 

Make sure that everything is well mixed before folding in whipped topping! 

What's your favorite Weight Watcher's Recipe??? 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Protein Energy Snack that's crunchy & sweet!

Red Delicious Apple with 
Almond Butter

Use apple slicers! 

Apple slicers make life easier & cleaner! They are super cheap and you can find them at most grocery stores, but definitely try Wal-Mart, Target, or Bed Bath & Beyond. I like the ones that you can pop in the dishwasher and that have a soft handle grip. Check out how easy they are to use below, a monkey could do it ; )


Serving Size-1 apple (for weight loss I eat a half of an apple) & 1-2ozs of almond butter
Saturated Fat-1g

1 apple (any kind you like, I use red delicious        most often)
1-2 oz of almond butter

1. Cut apple into bite size pieces & slather on almond butter any way you want! 

Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts for you & almond butter is a great alternative to peanut butter (most brands of PB are chuck full of sugar). states here that, "[a]lmonds and almond butter are nutritional powerhouses that contain significant amounts of protein, calcium, fiber, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, and vitamin E. Almond butter has extremely low saturated fat content and is rich in monounsaturated fats making it a heart-healthy choice. Of course, almonds have no trans fat. Studies consistently have shown that the addition of almonds into the diet effectively lowers cholesterol. Unlike low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, adding almonds does not adversely alter insulin sensitivity in healthy adults or blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes." Almonds have 4.5g of dietary fiber in 1oz or 2tbsp serving, so they aid in digestion and their high protein content leave you feeling fuller longer! If you want to know why Vitamin E (antioxidant) & potassium are so great for you check out some of my other "HEALTH TIPS".

As seen in the "HEALTH TIP" above, almond butter is really good for you! What I haven't told you yet is that it tastes A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Don't get me wrong, I like peanut butter a lot because it has very similar health benefits, but I actually prefer the taste of almond butter. Maybe it's because I have eaten peanut butter for almost 30 years, so I desperately wanted some variety, or that I've cleaned up my diet now so "fake sugar" or preservatives that are in the good tasting peanut butters don't appeal to my taste buds anymore. I don't know what it is really, but almond butter is long as you get the right kind. 

I have tasted several brands of almond butter and there is only one that tastes good at all to me; it's the fresh ground, dry roasted almonds that you "make" pressed into almond butter, at Fresh Market grocery store.

Yummy yummy yummy!

I warn you, there is also an awesome feeling about pushing a button, and watching the all natural almonds get ground into a paste right in front of you that makes the whole process more you did some work and made the butter yourself! HA! Plus, you know that no crazy chemicals or any other things you would be horrified to know about being in your food are in there either, it's a win win! 

They have cashew butter and peanut butter there as well, but I haven't tried those yet. I'm not a cashew fan. You can see their nutritional info they display at the store below:

This particular almond butter goes into the canister of your choosing (based on size & therefore price), and you can refrigerate it if you so please, but I don't! I find it lasts somewhere up to 3 weeks before I notice a change in consistency or taste, but I'm telling you it's normally gone before then ; ) It's spreadable, and has a nice smooth crunchy, nutty flavor without all the oils you find in most natural nut brands that you have to stir in, which I find quite gross and unappetizing! 

Do yourself a favor, for the love of flavor & try it out